Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 13: A Day in the Life of a Pampered Pony

This interview is a fictional funny one. I interviewed one of my barns most famous ponies’, Sweet Pea. This adorable pony is small and smart; she is also our most pampered pony.
Sara: How is life living in a huge stall with hay and food all day?
Sweet Pea: Life is the best thing in the world. I eat to my heart’s content and I can gloat to the other ponies. I get a huge stall with a ton of hay and I let little kids ride me. How can life get any better you may ask? If my owner would quit being a cheap skate and get my hoofs trimmed, now that would be nice. My hoofs are soar and achy, do you know how it feels to walk on soar hoofs? By the way, are you new? I’ve only been in the main barn for a few weeks. I love my luxury stall and hay. I’m special.
Sara: Number one, no I don’t know how it feels to have soar hoofs, I don’t have any. Two, I’ve been here for two months. And three, you do sound snobby. Ok, Ok next question. How do you like having kids on your back?
Sweet Pea: Well here’s a secret, I don’t like it. I’m just the nice one that doesn’t complain. Plus if I plan out my grumpy days I can stay in my plush stall and eat all day.
Sara: Lazy, but smart pony. You're like me I plan out when I get cranky so I don’t have to do stuff, plus I procrastinate. Last question, how is it living with the other ponies?
Sweet Pea: They’re annoying and Jonny always pushes me out of my stall and takes my food when I’m down there. They look sweet but are sometimes mean and pushy, especially when there’s food involved. Anything else? I’m hungry.
Sara: No, but thanks for sharing. Do you like the title, “Day in the Life of a Pampered Pony”?
Sweet Pea: Sure, sure, whatever. Bye.
That was Sweet Pea the pampered pony. This is some inside information about the number one pony at Frank’s farm. Thanks for reading!

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