Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 10: Cowgirl Quote

(Google Images)

              I wish more of this quote played into my life. Overcoming mental obstacles is my weak point, everyone probably knows this. When these obstacles are physical I can do anything. My body is my strong point I can do many things when it comes to being physical or working.  Oh and when I am around horses do not mess with me or  challenge me, because being on a horse and knowing my way around is definitely my strongest asset, nothing else competes.  I was born to ride and to be challenged. I need to take challenges more lightly and do more than my best. This quote outlines me with certain lines inserted were I can improve.  Like doing what can’t be done and soaring over obstacles. These are two things that I need to stick to more often throughout my school week, along with never giving up. This quote is inspiring in more ways than one.
            I love this quote and think it inspires many people to reach their goals and to use their horses while reaching them. Never underestimate people or girls for that matter. I think many people get the impression that English horseback riders are prissy and snobby. Actually more than half of riders are hard core horse lovers that believe horses were made for work and beauty, not just to look good. Horses look majestic but they are also rugged wild animals. I think especially for western riders, we love to ride in nature and to challenge each other. My friends and I love to challenge each other by seeing who can get to the other side of the field the fastest, it is so much fun.  I do believe that when you are a true hardcore rider anything is possible when you’re with and on your horse. This quote has so many statements and they are all true. 

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