Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 15: Thank You

This entry is just to sum up my blog about horses. My blog is about my experiences as a horse trainer and learner. I meant for my stories and thoughts to inspire and teach people. I wanted to share my life stories and thoughts to see what people think about them. I love horses, photography, and literature, these are three of my favorite things. I love that I got to put all of these components into my blogs. I love writing about my favorite animal and reliving parts of my life through words. Horses are my favorite animal because they're pure loving animals. I hope you appreciate my blog.
Reliving events through memories is so fun and interesting because you get new thoughts that you didn’t have at the time of the event. My blog has my stories recently about Frank’s farm; it also has quotes, a poem, and an interview with Miss Sweet Pea. I loved writing this blog it was fun, thank you for reading! Also this is my favorite picture of Zanzibar. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 14: My Friendship Poem

(Google images)
Pressing my knees to his sides
He understands and abides
First a walk, then galloping fast
To race the shadow we cast.

We run and run
Because it’s fun
Like rolling waves across the sea
In perfect rhythm, my horse and me
Salt and pepper
Friends forever

Riding a horse through a field at a full gallop is the best feeling in the world. All you see is open grass the feeling of freedom is like no other. The wind on your face and the rhythm of the horse is soothing. I love it when you can ride a horse and trust them to carry you without stopping.  My first time galloping through an open field was amazing and care free. When you ride you have to pay attention, that’s a fact. When you’re racing through an open field, you can be awake but at the same time trust your horse. Every time I run through the field in Tyler state park with my friends Josephine and Sabrina next to me, I feel close to heaven; like nothing else matters.  My favorite horse to ride when going through the field is Tank he’s so big and comforting. Tanks off button may be hard to find but in the right mind, he is amazing.  That’s why I love him, he’s my best friend.
This quote displays me and Tanks friendship perfectly. I feel like he understands me. We both love to go fast, whether it’s in the ring, or in the field. When I’m in the saddle I love the shadow Tank and I make. It shows any rider and their horse, the shadow so many people love. When I see me and my horses’ shadow, it’s so beautiful and mysterious. Shadows are magical, there unknown and beautiful. The poem is gorgeous and meaningful. It really speaks to me. It talks about the relationship between a human and a horse, which is the best relationship any person could have.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 13: A Day in the Life of a Pampered Pony

This interview is a fictional funny one. I interviewed one of my barns most famous ponies’, Sweet Pea. This adorable pony is small and smart; she is also our most pampered pony.
Sara: How is life living in a huge stall with hay and food all day?
Sweet Pea: Life is the best thing in the world. I eat to my heart’s content and I can gloat to the other ponies. I get a huge stall with a ton of hay and I let little kids ride me. How can life get any better you may ask? If my owner would quit being a cheap skate and get my hoofs trimmed, now that would be nice. My hoofs are soar and achy, do you know how it feels to walk on soar hoofs? By the way, are you new? I’ve only been in the main barn for a few weeks. I love my luxury stall and hay. I’m special.
Sara: Number one, no I don’t know how it feels to have soar hoofs, I don’t have any. Two, I’ve been here for two months. And three, you do sound snobby. Ok, Ok next question. How do you like having kids on your back?
Sweet Pea: Well here’s a secret, I don’t like it. I’m just the nice one that doesn’t complain. Plus if I plan out my grumpy days I can stay in my plush stall and eat all day.
Sara: Lazy, but smart pony. You're like me I plan out when I get cranky so I don’t have to do stuff, plus I procrastinate. Last question, how is it living with the other ponies?
Sweet Pea: They’re annoying and Jonny always pushes me out of my stall and takes my food when I’m down there. They look sweet but are sometimes mean and pushy, especially when there’s food involved. Anything else? I’m hungry.
Sara: No, but thanks for sharing. Do you like the title, “Day in the Life of a Pampered Pony”?
Sweet Pea: Sure, sure, whatever. Bye.
That was Sweet Pea the pampered pony. This is some inside information about the number one pony at Frank’s farm. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 12: The Barn

This picture is my favorite. Even though it doesn’t have a lot of horses in it, it shows one of my favorite places to be. This picture also has me reflected in it. I think it shows that the barn is just as important as the horses in it. The barn itself is pretty ragged and a little torn up; it’s not new and beautiful. The place where the hack horses live during the day and sometimes at night is a half barn, which is small and most of the stalls are just stations. The two horses’ behinds you see in the photo are those of our horses Rocky and Mico. Mico and Rocky are both standing in half stalls and are only clipped in where they stand for the day and this is where they eat in the morning and then again at night. Part of my job is to clean out the half barn and take care of the hack horses along with the boarder horses. Were I’m standing in this photo is one of my favorite places to be because I can see the horses inside along with the horses in the fields behind me. This barn is magical!
            This barn may not be new and pretty. Horses may be allowed to poop on a ground that’s not paved; but it’s amazing.  I think all people see is the new stuff, but when it’s old for me it’s special. I love this barn more than my prissy English barn.  The old feel for me, is always better. I like working in a place that’s old and friendly. Places where people aren’t always telling me what to do, I know my job.  Frank’s horses are hearty muscular animals’ not thin lanky jumpers. They live were horses are meant to live, outside. Horses are gorgeous tough animals and need to been seen as animals not prizes. I love working and riding. Even when it means working in an old barn.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 11: A Horse is Never Wasted

(Google Images)

        Horses and Wabun are the two things that define me. Horses keep me going throughout the year until I finally reach the shores of Lake Temagami. I spend about two hours a week in the saddle; I wish I could spend more. Now that I am working at Frank’s farm I work for my rides. So no minute is ever wasted when I’m in the saddle.  My rides now are spent rehabilitating and teaching horses, I never waste time if it means wasting a horse. When I’m teaching these beautiful animals it means giving them a second chance.  Life is all about second chances, because everyone makes mistakes.
                        I have made many mistakes in my life, but this one horse Mico has made many mistakes and he continues to make them. Mico is the type of horse that will buck, dance, and rear whenever he wants to.  He also has no ground manners. This woman at my barn has been working with him to make him a better future. I have ridden with her and seen what she can do with him. He is a smart horse he just choses to use his brain for the wrong reasons. When I see this woman, Shannon riding him she never wastes her time. She makes sure she is helping him. So no time is ever wasted when you are riding a horse.

Day 10: Cowgirl Quote

(Google Images)

              I wish more of this quote played into my life. Overcoming mental obstacles is my weak point, everyone probably knows this. When these obstacles are physical I can do anything. My body is my strong point I can do many things when it comes to being physical or working.  Oh and when I am around horses do not mess with me or  challenge me, because being on a horse and knowing my way around is definitely my strongest asset, nothing else competes.  I was born to ride and to be challenged. I need to take challenges more lightly and do more than my best. This quote outlines me with certain lines inserted were I can improve.  Like doing what can’t be done and soaring over obstacles. These are two things that I need to stick to more often throughout my school week, along with never giving up. This quote is inspiring in more ways than one.
            I love this quote and think it inspires many people to reach their goals and to use their horses while reaching them. Never underestimate people or girls for that matter. I think many people get the impression that English horseback riders are prissy and snobby. Actually more than half of riders are hard core horse lovers that believe horses were made for work and beauty, not just to look good. Horses look majestic but they are also rugged wild animals. I think especially for western riders, we love to ride in nature and to challenge each other. My friends and I love to challenge each other by seeing who can get to the other side of the field the fastest, it is so much fun.  I do believe that when you are a true hardcore rider anything is possible when you’re with and on your horse. This quote has so many statements and they are all true. 

Day 9: Muck out Stalls or Clean Room?

This quote is amazingly true. Every Sunday I go to Frank’s farm to muck stalls and take care of the horses. It gives me pleasure knowing that I’m making a horse comfortable and happy. My favorite part is mucking stalls. It’s my favorite because it gives me time to listen to my iPod in peace, and to think. During the week I’m constantly worrying about school and homework. At the barn I don’t have to think about that I can make up a story or think about stupid things like food or whether or not I picked up my room. And by the way, I would much rather clean a stall than my room. I can let my thoughts overtake me without having to pay attention to anything. Mucking out stalls may smell and sometimes feel disgusting, but it’s as much a stress reliever as riding. Except, you’re not having to pay attention to where you’re going, or what the horse is doing. The stalls are my happy place was I can think and be useful.
This quote speaks volumes about me. I’m hard working and will always take care of a horse but I won’t clean my room until I have to.  My room is subjective, I either leave clothes on the floor or not make my bed. Either way it gets messy and  depending on how long I wait to clean it, it can be unorganized as well. On the other hand I could not leave a horses stall dirty for more than a day, if I did I would feel awful. Horses are my passion, even when it means cleaning up after them. I might hate cleaning my room but I will always muck out a stall.